Local Louisiana
Evangeline Parish Profile
- Name: The parish is named for the Acadian heroine of the poem "Evangeline" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Parish Seat: Ville Platte
- Statistical Profile
Local Contact Information
- Assessors
- Clerks of Court
- Emergency Preparedness
- Fire Protection Districts
- Justices of the Peace & Constables
- Library Main Branch
- Local Government
- Office of Motor Vehicles
- Registrar of Voters or search for your voting location
- School District Information
- Sheriff's Directory
- State Representatives or enter your address to search for your representative
- State Senators or enter your address to search for your senator
Municipalities and Communities
- Cities: Ville Platte
- Towns: Basile | Mamou
- Villages: Chataignier | Pine Prairie | Turkey Creek
- Unincorporated communities: Barber Spur | Bayou Chicot | Beale | Belair Cove | Centerville | Clarks Landing | Clearwater | Cypress Creek | Dossman | Duralde | Easton | Fenris | Frilot Cove | Gray Point | Johnson Landing | Lake Cove | L'Anse Grise | Lone Pine | Meridian | Nobrac | Point Blue | Reddell | Redland | Squealer Point Landing | St. Landry | Tate Cove | Tepetate | Tyrone | Unatex | Vidrine